Week 19

Students dance with Great Lakes Loons mascot Lou E. Loon during School Kids Day at the Dow Diamond, Wednesday May 14, 2014. More than 60 school groups attended the game.

Pitcher Julio Felix of the West Michigan Whitecaps, left, throws to Dominic Ficociello, right, as Dillon Moyer of the Great Lakes Loons slides back to first.

Top state of Michigan Division I recruit Brian Cole does an abdominal exercise at Saginaw Health and Fitness, Thursday May 15, 2014.

Brian runs ladder drills.

Marathon runner Jeff Schlenker puts on his running shoes before a workout at his home in Saginaw Township, Thursday, May 15, 2014. Schlenker runs on his treadmill for an hour and forty minutes everyday to train for marathons.

Great Lakes Marathon defending champion Jeff Schlenker .

Jesse Salcedo, left, and his sister, Cathy Salcedo, right, view the medals her husband received for his service in the Army, Thursday, May 15, 2014 at the St. Andrew Cemetery Chapel. Ferdinand P. Lara, who died in 2012, was presented a Purple Heart, a Nat

Congressman Dave Camp presents medals to the family of Ferdinand P. Lara.

Nouvel Catholic Central’s Rachel Barry, left, makes a hit as her partner, Rachel Seamon, looks on during a doubles match at the Division 4 high school girls tennis regional tournament at Midland Community Tennis Center, Friday, May 16, 2014.

A supporter of Dr. Gavin Awerbuch holds a sign during a vigil at his office, Saturday, May 17, 2014 in Kochville Township. Kubzak has been a patient of Awerbuch for eight years. Awerbuch, a Kochville Township neurologist, is under federal investigation on

Mike Kubzak holds a sign in support of Dr. Awerbuch.

Students dance during the Bridgeport High School prom themed “Candy Land” at Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth, Saturday, May 17, 2014.

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